My brief (ish) observations:
(1) The vindication of Jehovah’s name
By his faithfulness to death, Jesus proved that a perfect human could keep perfect integrity under severe pressure, thus showing that Jehovah was just in requiring perfect obedience from Adam
Begs the question who is Jehovah that He should have to prove Himself to us in any way?!
(2) The sacrificial basis for the new covenant (Luke 22:20)
Those who are brought into new covenant are to be with Christ in heavenly Kingdom (John 14:2, 3; Hebrews 9:15)
If you aren't in the new covenant then surely you're still either under the old one or completely outside as the gentiles were considered to be - if the latter, then there is no sacrificial system at all for your sins and you stand condemned in your sins.
I know they say that the other sheep benefit 'by association' with the anointed - but it just ain't quite the same is it?! Those non-Israelites who lived in the Israelite camp were SLAVES, they had no rights and no benefit from the Law - what does that say about the other sheep in this 'New Israel'?
Also on the 'saved by association' point - what about 1 Timothy 2:5-6? Does it not mean that the anointed are setting themselves up as mediators? Christ's ransom sacrifice provides direct cover for every individual - no go betweens (and yet the WT is happy to condemn the RC church for doing this via confession!)
5For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its proper time.
Why should commemoration of his death be observed annually?
I don't buy the WT reasoning that its because Passover was only celebrated annually.
a) The Passover was part of the OLD covenant (Law) - this NEW covenant replaced the Old
b) Jesus said "Do this as often as you eat it..." I would see this as removing the time restrictions, as well as mention elsewhere in the NT that it was being celebrated more often than annually.
All in attendance need faith in Jesus’ sin-atoning sacrifice to get life
But WT doctrine flies directly in the face of these two statements. Because Christ's sacrifice of the New Covenant only covers the anointed, the other sheep can not and do not benefit from the sacrifice.
I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. (John 10:16)
How this verse has been abused! Why don't they get it - the other sheep are being brought into the same sheep pen. Then they might get the one flock and one shepherd part.
Christ's bones not to be broken, so his 'breaking' bread was just to pass it to disciples around the table.
And yet the actual breaking of bread was obviously significant to the first believers as a reminder of Jesus (eg Luke 24:30-35) - and hence his sacrifice.
Should be rephrased "Reminds most of us what Jehovah hasn't done for us" lol!
Followed by a bunch of hope destroying "do more anyway" statements supposedly in honour of what Jehovah hasn't done. May as well do it all for the WTS instead then!